Youth Summer Registration How many youth are you signing up?* 1 2 3 Call if you have more than 3Name of Rower* First Last Name of Rower 2* First Last Name of Rower 3* First Last separate by commasTotal $0.00 Email of Rower(s) (if applicable)separate by commasPhone of Rower(s) (if applicable)Will add to GroupMe for programming updates and cancellations!Age/Grade of Rower(s)Email of Parent or Guardian* Is your online payment email the same as your parent/guardian email?* Yes No Email that will be used for online payment* Emergency Contact*Relationship to Rower*Emergency Contact Phone #*Type of Rowing Experience Novice (first year) Advanced/Intermediate Learn 2 by appointment (no experience) Varied by rowers signed up Select one for each rowerHave you signed up at US Rowing and signed the waiver?* Yes, I am already a member and have checked my status Not yet, next step Yes, I signed the CLCR Waiver No, I have signed no waiver Go to US Rowing and, if you are not already a member, join the basic individual membership ($25) and SIGN THE WAIVER. Your registration with a CLCR program is not complete until you are registered with US Rowing and have signed the waiver. Put in Coventry Lake Community Rowing Inc. for Club or Team Name. Our Club Code is H4YWA.Additional questions/comments: