Members are referred to the following:
- Coventry Lake Traffic Patterns and Hazards
- The US Rowing Safety Bulletin
- FISA Minimum Guidelines for the Safe Practice of Rowing
- CT DEP Regulations regarding racing shells and personal flotation devices
- and our Safety Checklist - see below
- The rowing season will run from no earlier than mid-April until no later than October 31.
- Boats are not allowed to leave the shore in the event of thunderstorms (thunder or lightning viewed or heard within a half hour of launch time), whitecaps, or impaired visibility (that is, if first island is not visible on account of dense fog).
- All boats should return to the launch area immediately if weather conditions become unsafe as described above. In the event of thunder or lightning observed while rowing, rowers should either return to the dock or bring the boat ashore, depending on the judgment of the rowers as to what will be safest.
- Junior rowers (up through high school graduation) in a four or eight person shell must be accompanied by a chase boat.
- Until the water temperature reaches 55 degrees:
- There must be no less than four oars on the water assuming that no launch is out.
- Under cold water conditions (water temperature below 55 degrees), boats must stay in close eye contact at all times.
- If a member takes out a club single, they MUST launch with and row with another single or other boat (e.g. chase boat) and stay within sight of one another.
- When the water temperature is below 55 degrees, it is recommended that only scullers with 3 years of experience row in the club Maas boats or the Peinert Zephyr shells.
- Once water temp has reached 55 degrees as confirmed by the Operations Manager, rowers may use the competition singles and double. The four oars on the water rule will no longer be required but rowers are encouraged to row together.
- CT DEP regulations for PFD's are to be followed:
- During the period from October 1st through May 31st all rowers must wear an approved personal flotation device of appropriate size and in serviceable condition unless accompanied by a properly equipped escort vessel.
- During other periods of the rowing season, PFDs must be carried in rowing shells unless a properly equipped escort vessel is on the water.
- Under no circumstances should a rower in the water leave his/her shell. Even if a swamped boat is within a swimmable distance from the shore, the rower should swim the boat to the shore unless a launch is available at the scene. Never leave your floatation (shell) even if you consider yourself a strong swimmer.
- At a minimum, boats must carry a bow light if operating around dawn or dusk. As per Coast Guard regulations, any vessel operating between sunset and sunrise must be lit appropriately.
- The Coventry Lake traffic pattern should ALWAYS follow the route indicated on the aerial map.
- All rowers must verify that they are able to swim 100 yards, tread water for 15 minutes, and swim 10 feet underwater.
- Members who ignore club rules will have their membership privileges suspended for a period of up to two weeks, at the discretion of the Operations Manager. A second infraction will mean suspension of membership privileges for not less than one month. A third infraction will terminate membership for the season.
- Chase boat drivers must have a boating license and should complete an orientation session with an experienced launch driver.
- Wipe-Down Policy: To ensure safe operation and proper maintenance of all CLCRA rowing shells, all boats must be thoroughly wiped down inside and out (including tracks) after each rowing session. This will permit examination of the hull and all working parts to ensure any needed repairs are identified
- Water levels on the lake will vary throughout the year due to seasonal changes, during very rainy and very dry periods, and from time to time when the DEEP lowers the water level for specific purposes. All rowers need to be aware of the lake water levels and the major rock shoal hazards in the lake (consult the lake traffic pattern chart). During periods when the water levels are low, all rowers are cautioned to stay an increased distance from all land points, islands, and shoal areas to avoid groundings, severe damage to boats, and possible injury.
- Members must sign out boats ahead of time using the boat calendar, which can be accessed here. Boat usage should also be noted in the log, which can be found in the blue box at the lake.
Masters Rowing Times
Masters Regular Schedule for sculling:
- 6-8PM Tuesdays and Thursdays (late fall changes to 5-7PM)
- 7-9AM Saturdays and Sundays
Masters Open Rowing periods shall be from 6AM to Noon and after 6PM Monday through Friday.
- During the junior summer program; Masters access to club boats should be confirmed with the junior program coaching staff.
- Qualified adult rowers are allowed to take out club boats during open rowing periods on the buddy system, to have a minimum of four oars on the water or be accompanied by a chase boat. Rowers are required to receive permission from a board appointed official. Contact us
Revised July 19, 2016