Thank you to all who support us!
Please check back frequently as this page is a work in progress!
Coventry Parks and Recreation
If you build it, they will come. With strong support from our community leaders, CLCR found a home at Coventry Lake tucked in the corner of Patriot's Park along side their sister rowing programs, UCONN and EO Smith. Through collaborative efforts, CLCR has a place to hang their hat (or launch from) and can offer the healthy lifestyle activity of rowing to all who want to come out and try it and more importantly, open the establish a High School Rowing Club for CHS students as well as summer programs for students from Coventry, Mansfield, Tolland, Bolton and more.
Jeffrey P. Ossen Family Foundation
The Jeffrey P. Ossen Family Foundation awarded a grant for over $10,000 to support our youth middle school program. This grant will focus on supplying additional boats that "fit" the growing interest in rowing at the middle school age level. In addition, and it will allow CLCR to purchase safety equipment including wearable life jackets that do not hinder rowing, allowing swimming-challenged youth to be able to explore the sport of rowing. Most importantly, the grant will include scholarships to youth with financial limitations. Without this grant, it would have been years to have the infrastructure that could support this young population to a sport that encourages teamwork, healthy life-styles, comradery between peers and leadership.
Harry & Sylvia Livingston Philanthropic Fund
The Harry & Sylvia Livingston Philanthropic Fund recently donated $2500 to Coventry Lake Community Rowing to support the developing high school program at Coventry High School (CHS). The donation will primarily be spent on ergs that are desperately needed to support the growing competitiveness of the high school team which will become an official CHS club spring 2020.
Coventry Collision
Coventry Collision essentially made one of CLCR's fours racing quality. Without Coventry Collision, we would not have two boats (one for men, one for women) that would allow our students to be competitive at any regatta. This boat will also be used for our Adult Sweep program.
UCONN Men Crew Club embraced CLCR initiative for a High School Club and made space for CLCR to keep our footprint as small as possible. More importantly, they have supported our occasional need for extra equipment including boats, oars, seats and even the smallest but sometimes most important equipment like locking nuts!! As a new program without any senior players, UCONN Men have essentially been our shoulder to lean on giving us the empowerment and time we have need to establish ourselves.
UCONN Women were one of the first to support CLCR's initiative to support a Coventry High School Crew Club. Without their 8 and 8 oars, CHS would not have been able to support their increased team size starting in Spring of 2017. With the expanded interest of youth rowers from CNHMS, CLCR can now support opening up programs for more students from Coventry and local towns alike.
EO Smith Crew
Many of EO Smith students have been members of CLCR. Their drive to excel has shown in their commitment to rowing throughout many hot summer mornings. The opportunity to row most of the year has afforded students to expand their experience helping them achieve dreams including College Scholarships, Eagle Scout Awards, job references & opportunities, leadership experience and more!
Mansfield Lions Club
Mansfield Lions Club has been an avid support of CLCR from the beginning. They have contributed to our scholarship fund which has allowed us to pass on significant discounts to students for the summer rowing programs.
Sponsors from our community outreach drive
CLCR/CHS Crew has reached out to the community for donations to help secure our initiative for Coventry High School Crew Club. Without donations from companies and individuals (many who have donated anonymously), Coventry Crew would not have been able to buy the equipment needed to start the CHS Crew Club and grown to a full roster. These donations have been priceless to the CLCR and to the growing CHS Crew Club. They have also allowed us to support Coventry Parks and Rec with youth rowing programs.
- Jeffrey P. Ossen Family Foundation
Supporting Middle School rowing & High School Leadership for Tolland and Windham Counties through CLCR
- Harry & Sylvia Philanthropic Fund
- Coventry Collision
- Anonymous private donation
- Flatbread Company
- Marcia Krajevoski
- ProCare Physical Therapy
- Coventry Lions
- Birch Bend Wood Working
- Mill Rick Lawn Service
- Taking Care of Tummies/Lizzie's Catering
- Coventry Lakeview Restaurant & Bar
- Coventry Auto
- Design Center East
- Coventry Self Storage
- Meadowbrook Wine & Spirits
- Affordable Fuel
- Connecticut Radio
- Dimitris Restaurant
- Mike Bushnell
- Coventry Fitness
- Edmundson’s Farm
- Coventry Arts & Antiques
- Worn Yesterday Shop
Many of our communities residents have donated items needed such as walkie talkies, docks, life jackets and financial donations some exceeding $1000 individually! This kind of support has built CLCR to the program it is today – a fully functioning community rowing program that allows residents and students surrounding the Coventry Lake area to be able to enjoy a sport that is often unattainable to most either financially or geographically. Thank you just doesn't seem enough!