In sculling, a rower has two oars (one in each hand). In sweep, a rower has one oar (either port or starboard)
- Single (1x) - one rower with two oars (scull)
- Double (2x) - two rowers, each with two oars (scull)
- Quad (4x) - four rowers, each with two oars (scull)
- Quad (4x+) - four rowers, each with two oars (scull) and a coxswain
- Pair - two rowers, each with one oar (sweep)
- Straight Four (4) - four rowers, each with one oar (sweep)
- Four With (4+) - four rowers, each with one oar and a coxswain (sweep)
- Eight (8+)- eight rowers, each with one oar and a coxswain (sweep)
- Stern - the back end of the boat (and includes the rudder)
- Bow - the front end of the boat where the bow ball is located
- Port - the left side of the boat from the coxswain's view; the right side from the rower's perspective as the rower is facing "backwards"
- Starboard - the right side of the boat from the coxswain's view, the left side from the rower's perspective
- The coxswain always faces the direction the shell is going while the rowers face the rear
- A stern-coxed boat the coxswain is facing the rowers and sits the furthest from the front of the boat
- A bow-coxed boat, the coxswain is in the front of the boat and cannot see the rowers
Each seat in the boat is numbered according to its position going from bow to stern. In an eight the seats would be 1 to 8 & cox. Two seats, however, are more commonly given a different name. The #1 seat, that closest to the bow, is called "bow seat". The rowing seat closest to the stern is called "stroke". Rowers are often called by their seat number, both by the coach and coxswain, so always be aware of your seat.
The coach or coxswain also will often call for groups to row according to their place in the boat; ie: bow pair or stern four. In some cases, they may pair the stroke with bow seat.
Additionally, rowers need to be aware of which side they are rowing, whether port or starboard as rowing commands are often given by side, such as "check it on starboard".
Hull - the actual boat. The hull is very thin and fragile and made out of fiberglass primarily. It scratches and can be punctured with little force. NEVER step over the hull; always walk around.
Decks - there are both stern and bow decks on the shell. These decks form compartments to trap air for flotation in the event of swamping or flipping.
Vents - There are vent hatches in both the bow and stern decks. When closed they trap air; when open they allow air flow to dry out any moisture in the fore and aft compartments. It is the responsibility of the coxswain and bow seat to close the deck vents. There are often vent hatch covers under the seats also. These allow access for adjustments to the seat tracks.
Gunwales - these are the top outer edges of the boat. A lifting point
Keel - runs the length of the hull, down the center, for structural support.
Ribs - run perpendicular to the keel, against the hull, for structural support. A lifting point.
Seat - on wheels that allow forward and back movement. Also a rower's place and # in the boat.
Tracks/Slides - guides in which the seat wheels roll.
Foot Stretcher - adjustable plate to which the shoes are attached, allowing adjustment for length.
Foot Pad - space between the front of the tracks that is the only place you step when entering the boat.
Rigger - metal or composite "arm" attached to the exterior of the boat that holds the oar.
Oarlock - "U" shaped plastic part in which the oar is placed.
Gate - screw-down rod that keeps the oar from coming out of the oarlock.
Shaft - the long straight main section of the oar; usually composite.
Blade - the flat part of the oar that enters the water. Either hatchet shaped or, in older oars, tulip (Macon blades). Often painted to match the "colors" of the team
Handle - the oar part you hold on to; may be wood or composite with rubber grips.
Sleeve - plastic plate about 2/3 up the shaft that goes in the oarlock.
Collar - plastic piece attached around the sleeve that is pressed against the oarlock keeping the oar in the proper place.
Clam - a clip-on plastic piece that fits against the collar adjusting the load on the oar.
Catch - The beginning of the rowing stroke where the oar blade is set in the water.
Drive - The part of the stroke where the blade is pulled through the water.
Finish - The final part of the stroke where the blade comes out of the water.
Release - Pushing down on the handle to raise the blade out of the water at the end of the stroke to begin the recovery.
Recovery - The part of the stroke where the rower comes slowly up the slide to return to the catch.
Feathering - Rotating the oar in the oarlock with the inside hand so that the blade is parallel to the water.
Leg Drive - Pushing with the legs against the foot stretchers on the drive.
Rushing The Slide - Coming up the slide to the catch too fast causing one's weight to be thrown toward the stern causing the boat to check (slow down).
Missing Water - Not getting the blade into the water soon enough causing one to miss part of the beginning of the stroke
Washing Out - Raising the blade out of the water before the finish of the stroke.
Skying - Coming to the catch with the blade too high above the surface of the water.
Run - The distance the boat moves after the release while the rower is on the recovery.
Puddles - Made when the blade is released from the water. Run can be judged by the distance between puddles.
Crab - When the oar is not released cleanly from the water. A rower "catches a crab" when the oar gets stuck in the water at the finish.
Catch - The beginning of the rowing stroke where the oar blade is set in the water.
Drive - The part of the stroke where the blade is pulled through the water.
Finish - The final part of the stroke where the blade comes out of the water.
Release - Pushing down on the handle to raise the blade out of the water at the end of the stroke to begin the recovery.
Recovery - The part of the stroke where the rower comes slowly up the slide to return to the catch.
Feathering - Rotating the oar in the oarlock with the inside hand so that the blade is parallel to the water.
Leg Drive - Pushing with the legs against the foot stretchers on the drive.
Rushing The Slide - Coming up the slide to the catch too fast causing one's weight to be thrown toward the stern causing the boat to check (slow down).
Missing Water - Not getting the blade into the water soon enough causing one to miss part of the beginning of the stroke (sometimes called rowing into the water).
Washing Out - Raising the blade out of the water before the finish of the stroke.
Skying - Coming to the catch with the blade too high above the surface of the water.
Run - The distance the boat moves after the release while the rower is on the recovery.
Puddles - Made when the blade is released from the water. Run can be judged by the distance between puddles.
Crab - When the oar is not released cleanly from the water. A rower "catches a crab" when the oar gets stuck in the water at the finish.